....septembre - 01 - september 2016 |
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....FUSION |
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....Edition ouverte - Open edition |
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....Tshirts 100% coton |
....Sérigraphie - Silk screen |
....Tailles - Size / M & L |
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...."J'ai repris à mon compte le principe d'architecture fonctionnaliste énoncé par Louis Sullivan (1856-1924), |
....en l'adaptant à ma démarche : Form Follows Function Follows Fusion |
....La Forme suit la Fonction. La Fonction suit la Fusion. |
....Dans mon travail, j'essaie de remonter la chaîne des causes". |
..../\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ |
...."I have made my own the principle of functionalist architecture as expressed by Louis Sullivan (1856-1924), |
....while adapting it to y ow ends : FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION FOLLOWS FUSION. |
....In my work, I try to remount the chain of causes". |